Monday, August 24, 2009

Christmas is coming!

          I know I know it's still 4  months away but when you says it's
123 days untill Christmas then it seems to be rounding the corner, well at least it seems that way to me. Between now and Christmas day I have My Moms Birthday (Aug. 31st.), My Brothers Birthday (Sept. 18th), My Husbands Birthday (Oct. 21st), Halloween, My Aunts Birthday (Nov. 7th) My Sisters Birthday (Nov. 8th) My sons 5th Birthday! (Nov. 18th), My parents Wedding Anniversary (Nov. 19th) , The New Moon Movie release @ Midnight( Nov. 19th)  Thanksgiving,My wedding Anniversary (Dec 20th) Oh and did I mentionmy Baby Sister is getting Married 2 days after Christmas!!  So I need to start shopping and making stuff and deciding what the kids are going to make everyone. I'm thinking about doing some painting projects like painting on canvas or somthing like that....I don't know yet, I know I want to do some canvas stuff for the kids. We'll see I love christmas time, it really is my favorite time of year. And I love to bake and this is the perfect time of year to do it. The oven keeps the house warm and it makes the house smell AMAZING. One of my favorites is Ginger bread! Oh how I love it! Gingerbread Men and this year I am determind to make an awsome Gingerbread House. I want to make a really cool one I tryed the year before last but it was a disaster so I will research this year and plan ahead.

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About Me

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I am a 30 year old stay at home mom of 2 kids under the age of 5. They keep me pretty busy and I love it. I have been married for 5 years and am looking forward to the next 5.