Friday, August 28, 2009


O.K. Soooo I was resistant to the whole Twilight world untill just resently...I'd say about the last 2-3 months. One night I was sitting at the computer in the family room and they had it on and I was trying not to pay attention because I knew I would get sucked in and .....well I was right! I am totaly obsessed with pretty much everything Twilight!!! I am so kicking myself for not going with my Mom and Sister to see it in the theathers! but I will be the first one in line for the Midnight showing of New Moon due out in theathers  11-20-2009 !!! I have read the entire series 3 times now and to top it off I am now reading it to the Husband! LOL He is all like whats up with these books and you...and I told him let me show you..haha. He is a good sport and I think he is acualy enjoying himself. I have to say that at first I was very into the Edward character and I still am but I think I am showing my age a bit by admiting that I have a thing for Doctor Cullen! He is perfect for the roll and I really think that what makes him that much more attractive to me is the fact that in real life he seems to be an honest to goodness good guy. You can see how much he adores his wife and values his family. Even during the filiming of Eclipes he is traveling back and forth to be with his family in his down time.  Any who..... Just the ramblings of another Twilighter. I love Stephanie Meyers and her vision in her dream to make thses books come to life! An amazing writer. I can't wait for her to finish Midnight Sun! I'm really hoping it will be out by my birthday!

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I am a 30 year old stay at home mom of 2 kids under the age of 5. They keep me pretty busy and I love it. I have been married for 5 years and am looking forward to the next 5.