Sunday, August 23, 2009

The day in a nut shell.....

It's been a long day today Todd was out of commision all day because he worked liek 20 hours yesterday and when he got home at 1 in the morning he had a tooth ache on top of that. So he has been in bed all day catch up on some sleep and get rid of the tooth ache. So having said that and knowing he earned the rest and all I still have to bitch a little. OK so ladys why is it that if we are not feeling well or we had a long day and then were up all night with the kids that we don't get a day in bed with out being ineruted. I mean really He slept all night and all day and is STILL asleep!! I made him all his food and drinks and everything today and he never had to ask for anything. I just don't understand how they can get by with this but a few months ago when I had the flu so bad that I was up all night tossing my cookies and then all day again the next day I was still expected to do my normal stuff for him and the kids??? Really I don't even get an afternoon off when I am that sick but he can sleep for 36 hours after a long day at work.....Sigh. I am just a bit bitter right now. Any ways the kids and I had a good day even though we had to be away from Daddy all day when they KNEW he was here. They miss him and really enjoy the weekends when he spends a lot of time with them. We played like 5 board games and then we watched Lilo and Stich and then we played outside for the rest of the afternoon. They played in the water and rode thier bike and in general they ran a Muck!!

LOL Thay had a good day and thier tans are even darker now...My little coppertone babies! I made Home Made Mac N Cheese for dinner and they gobbled it up.
I was so tired that I declared a bath holiday and they got to skip the bath tonight. They played in the water out front that should count right? lol Any ways just Blogging ,Facebooking, and Tweeting for a bit and then its off to bed for me 2! untill tom. Night.

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About Me

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I am a 30 year old stay at home mom of 2 kids under the age of 5. They keep me pretty busy and I love it. I have been married for 5 years and am looking forward to the next 5.